fredag den 20. december 2013

Love is blind

The smell of coffee in the morning. The sound of the birds, singing their own melody. The sound of people walking up and down the street and the smeel of the cars.
All that, was things I was used to in my life. I would just wish I could see them.

It was a cold winter day. January, I think.
The winter should be really long this year, I was told.
I didn't really like winter. It's normally just cold and boring.


mandag den 4. marts 2013

I love you Arthur Kirkland

Ok Jake er en skidderik og vil ikke lade mig være før jeg begynder at skrive på denne her story.
Den er baseret på filmen 'I love you Phillip Moris'

Francis was just an ordinary man, living in an ordinary home, with his wife,.
They have been married for a couple of years now.
If you saw it from outside it looked just like a happy married couple, with a just as ordinary life.
But under that facade, something more was happening.
You see. It might seem like Francis was living an ordinary and happy life with his wife and all.
But what she didn't knew, was that he was seeing other people.
But here's the thing.
It was not girls he was with.
Francis found out a little thing he didn't know about himself.
Before now, that's it.

(Skriver btw bare det jeg kommer i tanke om, så gramma and such, kan fucke af lige nu <3)